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bennett Data Solutions

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Why Do You Need Data Center Consulting?

Everyone can make a data center, but the priority of successful organizations today is not having just a data center, but one that will be efficient, scalable, and cost-effective. This can only be possible with high performance multiple redundant groundbreaking data center designs. For that, you need state-of-the-art data center consulting, which we provide at Bennett Data Center Solutions. Our consulting and other services will equip you with a data center that far exceeds your expectations. Many companies can create their own data center environment often times at a huge capital expense. However, finding a purpose built data center for efficiency, scalability and that is cost effective is the key.

Our Services

 Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled 

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
Cloud Connectivity
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
Data Centre Security
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown

A Revolution Grounded in Tradition

The name of modular data centers is growing big amongst data enthusiasts. However, it is important to note that traditional colocation data centers are still the norm. Many organizations, mostly the middle-sized ones, find the traditional data centers to be more feasible and productive for them. We at Bennett Data Center Solutions provide you guidance for traditional but highly advanced and efficient data centers from which to choose. However, our approach to broker represnatation and consulting services provide end users with the decion tools that best meets our clients needs.

Our colocation consulting will advise you with frameworks

 This is possible when we consider the modern circumstances and data problems of organizations and use that context to provide authentic and modern data center solutions.
Our colocation consulting will advise you with frameworks and plans for modern data centers, that in many aspects far exceed the benefits provided by legacy data centers of the same scope. Some of the benefits include simplicity, less spending, high performance computing capabilities, scalability, connectivity and long life of machinery.

Market’s Best Data Center Designs

When it comes to data centers, no one design can be considered the “best” in the market. Rather, what design is ideal for one organization may be bad for another. These differences arise from the very nature of their requirements. One organization may need security over all other factors to enhance their productivity, while others may require reliability, speed, performance, etc. Therefore, no standard model exists that will work optimally for all organizations When we talk about a revolution in data center design, we’re focusing on the approach and methodology to determine the best footprint, structure, and design for the data center. Although this approach is quite complex and implemented uniquely by our partner alliances for “best in class” designs, and can be summarized as follows:

Considerations Made for current “Best in Class”Data Centers

A very important aspect of data center designs is the variety of products, materials, and services that may be required to complete the construction and functioning of the data center. Now, the type and quality of these things are determined based on various factors, the most important of which are the organization’s priorities and their functioning nature. To retain balance in quality and integrity the budget has to be considered while choosing the products, materials, and services. Some of the objects (products, materials & services) that have to be put into consideration are named below:
  • Electricity Cost
  • PUE
  • Security
  • Cooling Systems
  • High performance Computing
  • Security Systems
  • Maintenance Systems
  • Wiring / Fiber Connectivity
  • Cloud Hosting Services
  • Accessibility of the Site
  • Smart / Remote Hands

Choosing just the right objectives within your given budget can be one of the toughest jobs for an organization, and choosing the wrong objects may lead to anything, from minor inconveniences to disastrous consequences. Our consultants are here to use their vast expertise to facilitate you in getting the right ones, that will benefit you in the long run.

Our Brokerage Services

Bennet Data Center Solutions have well-established relations with various entities and organizations that work to provide data center equipment, space, cleaning, operations and maintenance services. Therefore, we can fulfill all your needs by facilitating you with other data center services.

Are you looking for a data center space? We have contacts in real estate everywhere in the USA, so you can get the most feasible location for a data center in your area. We can also help broker the best deals for you in the market.

Do you need high performance equipment? Since we are a part of the data center industry, our agents are regularly in talks with leading manufacturers and providers of equipment like high performance cluster computing devices, racks, network connections, machines, air conditioning, etc. 

Do you need cleaning and maintenance services? Cleaning and maintaining a data center are not tasks just anyone can do. Given the data center design and risks involved in it, only specialized cleaners and maintainers can work there. 

Analysis of Functioning Data Centers

Our another important and much-acclaimed service is the analysis of current data centers. These vulnerability assessments help organizations determine the ambiguities and flaws within their data centers and lays the groundwork for them to improve their performance, tighten the security, 

and increase their scalability. Some of the domains of concern in the analysis of functioning data centers are as follows:


  • Analysis of the design and infrastructure of the data center, including the building and accessibility with respect to the main operational branch of the organization.
  • Analysis and reporting on the key equipment used in the data center, including electrical components like switchboards, batteries, transformer systems, wiring, PDUs, and transfer switches.
  • Quality assurance of Mechanical equipment like air conditioners, racks, nuts and bolts, pumps, cooling towers, and analysis of high performance cluster computing.

General reporting on the operating procedure of the data center


We Aim to Optimize Productivity!

We at Bennett Data Center Solutions not only help you create a functioning data center but guide you to achieve maximum data center productivity within your specified budget and resources. As a part of our data storage consulting, we provide data center designs from well-trained and highly experienced professionals in our team. Our revolutionary design and planning are coupled with brokerage services to get you the optimal data center space in your vicinity, and high performance computing that will enable you to store data safely, efficiently, and facilitate you in all sorts of disaster recoveries. Our data center services are provided all around the United States.
